A live-action drama adaptation of Chiharu Oshima’s smoked food-themed manga Iburi Gurashi (Smoked Life) is set to be aired on the newly-launched channel BS Shochiku Tokyu from April 4, 2022.
The manga was serialized in Coamix’s Monthly Comic Xenon and compiled in nine tankobon volumes from December 2015 to October 2019. Its total print run has surpassed 500,000 copies so far. The story is about a couple who have been living together in Tokyo for three years, Yoriko, 26, and Meguru, 24. On holidays, the only time they can spend together amidst their busy schedules, they smoke food and eat it, deepening their bond through smoking.
Mirai Shida (the voice of Arrietty in Studio Ghibli’s 2010 film The Secret World of Arrietty) is cast as Yoriko, while Yuki Izumisawa (Satoru Morikawa in the Kyo Kara Ore Wa!! live-action film) will play her boyfriend Meguru. They previously a couple before in the live-action drama adaptation of Yu Suzunoki’s medical manga Kounodori: Dr. Stork in 2017.
\4月4日(月)夜10時30分〜#志田未来 #泉澤祐希 でお送りする、
ほっこりカップルの燻製グルメドラマ #いぶり暮らし 放送スタート❣️
ハートフルな物語と、お家でも挑戦したくなる燻製料理の数々に、ぜひご期待ください☺️✨➡ https://t.co/5yrwWYscgr#BS260ch pic.twitter.com/hq1NMYcJv3
— 【公式】BS松竹東急@22年3月26日、BS260ch開局‼︎ (@BS260_official) February 24, 2022
The manga author Oshima has also announced the news on Twitter, “Good morning. I have an announcement to make! My manga ‘Iburi Gurashi’ has been made into a TV drama! The lead roles are played by Mirai Shida and Yuki Izumisawa. It will start airing in April. I’m so happy!!!!! I would like to thank everyone for reading and supporting me! Thank you very much!”
これからも宜しくお願いします! pic.twitter.com/m9zjHfLtHX— 大島千春@いぶり暮らし・綿谷さんの友だち (@cheeeharu) February 24, 2022
Manga 1st & 9th volume covers:
Sources: BS Shochiku Tokyu official website, Chiharu Ochima Twitter
© Chiharu Oshima/Coamix